My Beauty Dairy
I would describe "My Beauty Dairy" as the "Queen" of the mask kingdom as this is the brand that started the sheet mask trend in the asian. Established in Taiwan in 2004, My Beauty Dairy has been the best selling sheet mask in asian for many years. The brand provides a huge range of mask selection, which makes it the go-to brand for both beginners and experts.
Innisfree It's Real Squeeze Mask
Innisfree is a well known Korean brand not only in asian but also in the US. Their real squeeze mask is loaded with freshly squeezed plant juice and even Youtube star Michelle Phan has recommended these on her website.Cult Favorites: Green Tea; Rice; Shea Butter
Tosowoong Pure Mask
Tosowoong is a Korean cosmetics brand that emphasizes on KFDA ingredients and simple/pure formulations. It is not a super-hyped brand, but the pure maskl line is definitely their star product.Cult Favorites: the hype is all about the pure propolis mask
Medical Dress Code Mask
Mediheal is a Korean brand and it highly relies on advanced clinical researches and focuses on developing treatments for the most common skin problems. These masquerade ball sheet masks are not just some gimmicky products but one of the best sheet masks on the market.
Cult Favorites: Dress Code Blue
Leaders Mask
Thanks to Ulta, Leaders sheet masks are very accessible to the US market now. According to their website: Leaders Cosmetics was founded in Korea, in 2004, by two leading dermatologists from Korea’s top university. Both their insolution and 7 wonder (exclusively at Ulta) mask series are very popular.
Cult Favorites: AC Dressing; Teatree Relaxing; Mediterranean Olive Brightening Mask
Lovemore Mask
Lovemore is a Taiwanese company that specializes in skin fit sheet masks
made from silk to better lock in hydration. Sheet mask base is infused with
deep ocean water for all natural goodness.
Cult Favorites: Pearl & Red Pearl Barley Whitening Mask Sheet; Rose Hybrida Whitening Mask Sheet
What are your favorite sheet masks?
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